

About the Host:

Anthony Joiner has been a hard worker and avid lover of the arts for many years. Anthony gave up his passion for poetry when he was very young to try and find his place in more common 9-5 work. After trying his hand as a firefighter, grocery store associate, call center rep, and even aerospace mechanic, he never could find his place. He did, however, meet a lot of other artists and aspiring artists along the way, including the one he married. This gave him insight on a very big hole in the art industry as a whole. At lease eight out of the 10 artists he met had trouble pursuing their gifts simply because of funding.

The question became, how do some artists make a living in their craft while other equally talented artists either become the starving artist or give up on their passion. Now Anthony sets out to answer that question and wants to take you on that journey with him.

About the Podcast:

Hustle and Art is the podcast where we uncover the hustle behind the art of successful artists everywhere. We interview musicians, poets, painters, sculptors, and many other creative minds to reverse engineer their success.

We also talk to other influencers in the art space like employers, grant writers and more to help uncover opportunities for aspiring artists and create more awareness in the world of art. This podcast is for anyone who has a passion for art and would like to build a career around it.